Thursday, 10 October 2019

We are so incredibly proud of all those from Room 7 that competed at the Catholic School Literacy Quiz. Congrats to Charlotte, Danny, Ella and Sam - their team placed 1st overall! Ka rawe team!!!

We had a wicked time at the Riccarton Library learning more te reo and exploring our local library!

OLV watching the OLA production!

This year we were lucky enough to have the Taki Rua show come again and present Kuia and the Spider. Tino Pai!

We loved having Life Education and Harold at OLV to teach our class more about empathy.

Here are the links to our performances from the Christchurch Cultural Festival 2019. Ka pai!!!!

OLV Kapa haka 2019

Check us out .... we look awesome presenting our Wearable Arts costumes to the public. We are so proud of our effort!

Constable Brad came into our class to help us learning more about Keeping Ourselves Safe. We loved having him in Room 7!

Us working hard to get our Wearable Arts Costumes ready to present at the Christchurch Cultural Festival.

Maisie was amazing at presenting her winning Rotary Speech to the Rotary club at the Double Tree Hotel. Ka rawe Maisie!